Your company or nonprofit can support the CYP Club as a Business Member, also known as “Friends of the CYP Club!" This 12-month annual sponsor level is just $500 (less than $42/month) and helps support our ongoing mission and community impact in Columbus. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact us.

Friends of the Club benefits include:

  • Marketing Benefits

    • Brand alignment & awareness in front of thousands of young professionals between the ages of 21 and 45, right here in Columbus

    • Your logo featured online at for 12 months

    • Featured welcome message in CYP Club emails & social media (the month you join and once a year when you renew)

    • Additional opportunities to promote your special events, volunteerism efforts, and new hire announcements via our newsletters and social media channels

  • Activation Benefits

  • Community Benefits

    • Invitations to dozens of additional CYP Club networking events for you and your staff to build community relationships and connect with prospective clients

    • Spotlight page in our searchable community directory at

    • Company page in our city guide at

Sign up online or contact us at 614-579-9390 for more information!

Thank you to our amazing Friends of the Club:


Also known as “Friends of the Club," a Business Membership grants your company up to two (2) Premium member upgrades while providing incredible benefits for your business, including opportunities for job listings/recruitment, brand alignment, a page in our city guide, and more.


Our Premium Membership level allows you even more access to the best social networking events in central Ohio for less than $8 per month. You’ll receive free or discounted tickets to most of our events, as well as special giveaways, comped magazine subscriptions, and other benefits.


Social Membership is absolutely FREE and grants you an open invitation to all events, including a weekly subscription to our member newsletter. Most CYP Club events will have a nominal ticket cost, while other events are free. This level of membership never expires, unless you unsubscribe.