Charity Guide: Milestones Submission Form

The CYP Club is putting together our semi-annual Citywide Charity Guide this fall, and I wanted to invite you to share your recent and upcoming milestones with us! For example, our lead story will be a feature on the 100th anniversary of the Junior League of Columbus.

If your organization is celebrating a special anniversary or recognizing a long-standing staff member or board member who has been with you for 5, 10, 20 years, or something similar, we want to hear about it – and we want to share it with the central Ohio community.

We’ll also be recognizing some new & notable people and programs with this edition of the Charity Guide! If you’ve recently welcomed new team members or have an exciting community initiative that has launched (or will soon be launching), we also want to know about it.

Send us your milestone submissions, new & notable people/programs, and opportunities for open board seats below:

If you have any additional questions, please contact us!