Invite-only meeting (Week #1) for participants in our Crash Course Columbus program.
Crash Course Columbus is a CYP Club initiative that offers new residents a fresh and entertaining look at our community while unlocking connections across the city. Over five weeks, participants meet with other young professionals and local influencers in the Columbus area at a series of after-work programs while learning about many of the wonderful resources the city has to offer! The curriculum is structured to introduce folks to Columbus and offer opportunities to keep them engaged in a number of ways.
Programming Overview for Fall 2023:
Week 1: Wednesday, Sep. 13, 2023 • 6-8pm - Welcome Happy Hour with Class Introductions, Speed Friending Icebreaker and Interests Questionnaire
Week 2: Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023 • 6-8pm - Walking Tour of Downtown Columbus landmarks & neighborhoods
Week 3: Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023 • 6-8pm - Getting Involved: An Evening with Nonprofit Leaders and Community Connectors (including a special volunteer activity)
Week 4: Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023 • 6-8pm - Team-building Activity Session featuring health & wellness facilitators
Week 5: Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023 • 6-8pm - Closeout Dinner, featuring Networking and Completion Certificates
*All classes will occur on Wednesdays from 6-8pm beginning on September 13, 2023, unless otherwise noted. Locations and full details will be shared with enrolled participants.
Are you interested in enrolling in Crash Course Columbus? Tuition is $199 per person and we only have space for 30 participants. Join the Wait List here