Email Sponsor
Our weekly emails reach a coveted demographic within the city - active, educated movers & shakers in their 20s, 30s. and early 40s who are career-driven and community-focused. Local organizations may sponsor a CYP Club email at $300 per ad insertion to reach our audience while supporting our mission and members. Discounts are available for multiple ad placements.
Ads may be sent as .jpg, .png, or .gif files. Each email reaches nearly 20,000 CYP Club emails -- with an average open rate of 30-40% (depending on the subject line) -- and is also shared through our various social media channels to an additional 30,000+ followers.
Sponsorship on any one (1) of our regular emails may include:
• Banner ad #1 sized at 570px wide x 90px tall (placed in the email header) with hyperlink
• Banner ad #2 sized at 570px wide x 180px tall (placed in the body of the email) with hyperlink and up to 75 word write-up
• Flexible options for ad placement
Our weekly emails reach a coveted demographic within the city - active, educated movers & shakers in their 20s, 30s. and early 40s who are career-driven and community-focused. Local organizations may sponsor a CYP Club email at $300 per ad insertion to reach our audience while supporting our mission and members. Discounts are available for multiple ad placements.
Ads may be sent as .jpg, .png, or .gif files. Each email reaches nearly 20,000 CYP Club emails -- with an average open rate of 30-40% (depending on the subject line) -- and is also shared through our various social media channels to an additional 30,000+ followers.
Sponsorship on any one (1) of our regular emails may include:
• Banner ad #1 sized at 570px wide x 90px tall (placed in the email header) with hyperlink
• Banner ad #2 sized at 570px wide x 180px tall (placed in the body of the email) with hyperlink and up to 75 word write-up
• Flexible options for ad placement
Our weekly emails reach a coveted demographic within the city - active, educated movers & shakers in their 20s, 30s. and early 40s who are career-driven and community-focused. Local organizations may sponsor a CYP Club email at $300 per ad insertion to reach our audience while supporting our mission and members. Discounts are available for multiple ad placements.
Ads may be sent as .jpg, .png, or .gif files. Each email reaches nearly 20,000 CYP Club emails -- with an average open rate of 30-40% (depending on the subject line) -- and is also shared through our various social media channels to an additional 30,000+ followers.
Sponsorship on any one (1) of our regular emails may include:
• Banner ad #1 sized at 570px wide x 90px tall (placed in the email header) with hyperlink
• Banner ad #2 sized at 570px wide x 180px tall (placed in the body of the email) with hyperlink and up to 75 word write-up
• Flexible options for ad placement